Monday, March 26, 2012

Yuna from X update

Yuna from final fantasy is also another sore thumb. Well, not actually. What are your thoughts on buying complete costumes?

I found this wig, which is cute and cut well. It's also made out of the same heat resistant material that the Yuna X-2 wig is made out of. And because I would be buying two, maybe even three (My friend Paine's wig), the owner of the website is willing to give me a discount. :} Yay for cheerful piece of note. 

I found this beautiful costume for $89 on ebay. I'm just unsure of buying a whole costume. I've hand made all of the rest of them. I was also thinking that maybe the fabric wouldn't be of the quality that I normally buy, but even if that's so, i can probably line it with something, right? The detail in the embroidery is amazing. However, I still like the ability to say when someone asks you about a costume, that I hand made it.

They always give you that look of pleasant surprise.  Maybe I could just lie to get over that pitfall. Found this necklace for $2 on ebay for both of the costumes. Will be buying at least that piece. 

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