Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fabric Shopping-- Check.

Today, me and my mother (along with Teddy and my sister) decided to go fabric shopping. It wasn't really like that though. My sister was taking me to the big store in Chantilly just to look for rope, then my mom happenned to get off of work while we were over there.

We didnt' actually buy much there though, some rope that wouldn't work. But then we headed off to the Mcclintock in Leesburg and found a 1/2 off sale which made us happy. Too bad most of the silk wasn't on sale and that's what i need <<;

Check List of What I have Left:
Gold Trim
Hair Exstentions
Wig treatment stuff (spray, brush, cap, etc.)
Red Paint
Sealer for the flowers
Blue rope
and Blue Fabric
Red eyeshadow

Wow, that seems like a lot.

Thankfully i'm in a better mood then i was last night (I started crying when i realized how much work designing my wig was going to be; and added that to the price of getting one already styled--$200)and now my costume is maybe... 4% done. Haha.

Lots to do! Mom's leaving the crown to me.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mind Changes,

Finally decided to cosplay this year, and since last year I really wanted to do Dio from Last Exile, that's who I thought I was going with.

But after a little thinking because I actually haven't bought fabric yet (I need to do that this week) I've decided to do a Subaru Sumeragi from Tokyo Babylon.

(This one.)

Not too hard, fashionable (always important right? ha). I'll probably include some props but for the time being I should just worry about making the costume itself.

Costumes-- About 2% done.

So me and Micah have been working on costumes, Mine is Lady Kakyuu from Sailor Moon (starz). The only thing i've done are the little flowers, and he made this little broach thing that looks like an infinity symbol. Dx

I'll put up more pictures as we go along, we havent gone fabric shopping, just fabric Browzing... The next thing i need is a wig, and the ribbon/rope thing.

My camera is broken, so these images are from my cell phone, but I tried to find a really good light, so hopefully you'll be able to see them.

The Very Begginning

Girl Micah's costume! :D Lady Kakyuu from Sailor moon. Notice the bajillions of little details.

We're trying to get the costumes done by July 30th! and we need tons of support, and help. They're big tasks, but we're working our hardest and right now my fingers hurt from making tiny little flowers.

My mom doesn't know if she'll be able to finish the sewing on my costume (I don't know how to sew well) but i'm still counting on her, and trying to make all the little details so that she has less work to do. The week before if she doesn't get it done, i'll probably have my little fingers to the bone trying to work a sewing machine and the costume'll turn out like shit, but i'll be in it and i'm pretty.

Things I need:
Blue tie (rope thing)
Circles for my hair
Red Eye Shadow
Fake Lashes
Jewels for the crown
Shoes (and Red soles)

(This list will get bigger)